原标题:本是孩子们信赖的人,这对警察教师夫妇却做出这种事 对孩子们来说,除了父母,最让他们信赖的人莫过于警察和老师了。然而,美国这样一对夫妇却背叛了孩子们的信任。 A longtime sheriff‘s deputy in Louisiana and his school teacher wife were arrested on child pornography charges this week。 本周,路易斯安那州一位在职多年的副警长和他当老师的妻子因儿童色情指控而被捕。 Dennis Perkins and Cynthia Thompson Perkins face first-degree rape charges and 60 counts of pornography production involving a juvenile under the age of 13, a statement from the Louisiana Attorney General‘s Office said。 路易斯安那州总检察长办公室的一份声明称,丹尼斯·珀金斯和辛西娅·汤普森·珀金斯面临一级强奸指控和60项制作色情作品的指控,其中涉及一名不足13岁的青少年。 ▲ ‘A sad day’: Louisiana deputy and his school teacher wife face 60 counts of child porn and child rape accusations (via usatoday) 图 via利文斯顿县警局 44岁的珀金斯从2002年以来就在利文斯顿县警局工作,事发前担任特警队的负责人。周二,警局出动人员逮捕了他。警长杰森·阿德(Jason Ard)表示,当调查人员告诉他珀金斯被指控的罪行后,他就立马将其开除了。 “It’s a sad day for all of us, for all law enforcement officers, when you arrest one of your own,” Ard said in a statement。 “We at the LPSO work hard everyday to retain the trust placed in us by our citizens。 I understand this was a veteran law enforcement officer, one who had dedicated a lot of time and effort into this community, but as I have said in the past – no one is above the law。” 阿德在一份声明中说:“对我们,对所有执法人员来说,这都是悲哀的一天,因为你逮捕的是自己队伍中的一员。”“为了不辜负辖区内居民对警局的信任,我们每天都在努力工作。我知道,他是一名经验丰富的执法人员,他为这个社区贡献了大量时间和精力,但正如我过去所说的:没有人可以凌驾于法律之上。” ▲ ‘A sad day’: Louisiana deputy and his school teacher wife face 60 counts of child porn and child rape accusations (via usatoday) 根据路易斯安那州司法部门的公开信息,珀金斯被控60项制作色情作品的罪名,2项一级强奸罪,3项持有色情物品的罪名,2项视频窥视罪(Video Voyeurism)和2项猥亵罪。他的保释金额为167.5万美元。 妻子辛西娅·汤普森·珀金斯则是利文斯顿县一所公立中学的老师。据悉,校方直到她周二辞职的时候才知道警方针对夫妻俩人的调查。她被控60项制作色情作品和2项一级强奸罪,周三就被关进了拘留所,保释金额为50万美元。 截图 via总检察长办公室官网 目前案件还在调查中,夫妻二人做的这些龌龊之事是如何败露的、又有多少青少年惨遭毒手等细节尚待揭晓。 A tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children sparked the ongoing investigation, the Attorney General‘s Office said。 总检察长办公室表示,是全国失踪与受虐儿童中心的一条爆料引发了此次调查。 “Protecting Louisiana children is one of my top priorities,” Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement。 “So my office and I will continue to do all we can to find and arrest child predators。” “保护路易斯安那州儿童是我的首要任务之一,”总检察长杰夫·兰德里在一份声明中说到。“因此,我们将继续竭尽所能找到并逮捕那些残害儿童的人。” ▲ ‘A sad day’: Louisiana deputy and his school teacher wife face 60 counts of child porn and child rape accusations (via usatoday) 虽然案件细节未公布,但受指控罪名之多还是惊到了美国网友。很多人表示不可思议,作为孩子们毫无保留信任的人怎么忍心做出这种事。 “对我们来说是悲哀的一天。。。。。。” I imagine it’s a bit sadder for the children who were molested and scarred for life。 60 count indictment。。。God help us all。 我想,对于那些被性骚扰、终身伤痕累累的孩子来说,才更悲哀吧。60项指控啊,天哪。 Nothing scarier than a person who is supposed to enforce the law and the person who is supposed to teach and nurture children are doing this to innocent young lives。 没有什么比一个应该执法的人和应该教育孩子的人对无辜年幼的孩子做这种事更可怕了。 And they probsbly thought they could get away with the crimes because he‘s a cop & she’s a teacher & people wouldn‘t believe people in those lines of work could do such things。 Their occupations do NOT make them above reproach any more than being clergy does。 他们本以为自己可以逃脱罪行,因为他是警察,她是老师,人们不会相信从事这些工作的人会做这类事情。但他们的职业并不会使他们免于指摘。 People in positions of authority (judges, police, teachers, etcetera) should get mandatory, severe sentence enhancements。 处于权威地位的人(法官、警察、老师等)犯事的话应该判更严重的刑。 They ever did that to my grand kids they would be history。 No court-no jury- no nothing。。。simple as that。。。。。。 他们要敢对我孙子做那些事我早就弄死他们了。才不会有什么调查、法庭,就这么简单。 来源:环球时报GlobalTimes |